Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mary Flint Foulger

Grandmother and Aunt Jean many years ago (around 7 or 8) asked me to restore these pictures. I forgot all about them until today when I was at Grandmothers and saw one of these pictures on her dresser. I went home and was able to find my zip drive and load them up. I wish I knew more about the pictures. If you know anything about them, please leave a comment so we can all know.

I don't think another woman has ever done more good in the world. I love her with all my heart and am so grateful for her example. I love all of you. I hope you enjoy!

Leave it to Christi. Thank you so much for your knowledge. I hope I got the right information with the right pictures. Any info you leave I will try to plug in.

Margaret & Jesse Flint Family (Grandmother's parents)

Margaret & Jesse Flint Family (Grandmother's parents) with Aunt Jean.

Margaret & Jesse Flint Family. I believe Grandmother is center.

The multimillionaire film seller, David Parrish Howells pictured with his wife, Adele Cannon Howells and their family.

Margaret, Jesse & some kids in front of the house.

Elizabeth Bratton Parrish (great-grandmother to Grandmother) who crossed the plains and was married to Joel Parrish who went to rescue the Martin Handcart company.

The home is Grandmother's childhood home on Flint Street in Kaysville.

Margaret & Jesse Flint and Aunt Jean

Margaret Howells Flint with her sisters Mattie & Alice and Sister-in-law Adele.

Grandmother's brother, Howard.

Howells family.

If memory serves me correctly (which it rarely does) Grandmother is front and center.

Grandmother's mother, Mary Parrish Howells on an around the world trip financed by her son, the multimillionaire film seller, David Parrish Howells.


  1. Brooke-
    Thank you so much for posting these pictures. I don't know much about them either. But I can tell we come from an adventerous group!!!!
    Thanks again Brooke.

  2. Wow, these are amazing. I wish I knew more about the ladies in the shots.

  3. Thanks for posting, Brooke! The first few photos are of the Margaret & Jesse Flint Family (Grandmother's parents). The others are of the Howells family. The "around the world" shots are of Grandmother's mother, Mary Parrish Howells on an around the world trip financed by her son, the multimillionaire film seller, David Parrish Howells (pictured with his wife, Adele Cannon Howells and their family in the fifth picture.) The home is Grandmother's childhood home on Flint Street in Kaysville. The ninth picture is Elizabeth Bratton Parrish (great-grandmother to Grandmother) who crossed the plains and was married to Joel Parrish who went to rescue the Martin Handcart company. The only picture of Grandmother is with her family in the fourth picture. (and possible in the seventh picture of Margaret, Jesse & some kids in front of the house) The baby often with Margaret & Jesse is Aunt Jean. The baby boy in the white gown is Grandmother's brother, Howard. The pictures of women together are Margaret Howells Flint with her sisters Mattie & Alice and Sister-in-law Adele. She has a great heritage!

  4. Brooke, these are AMAZING! Thank you SO much! Thank you, Christi for all the insight! We are all so lucky...

  5. I think I spotted Allison Barlow on the front row of the school class picture...

  6. Wow,

    I LOVE it! I love seeing old pictures of anybody's ancestors, so when it is my children's, It makes me that much more excited! Thanks much for posting. I would love to see more. I need to get in touch with whoever is the family history guru for the Foulger, Flint side, and get some good reading material. I eat this stuff up.

  7. Brooke These pictures are great! Thank you. I actually remember you touching these up years ago in New Hampshire in your room. I see Lauren Barlow in Aunt Jean's face in the fourth picture! I'm so glad we have these!

  8. Wow these are amazing truly priceless works of art. Thank you for posting them.

  9. My great grandma was Adele Cannon Howells and my grandma was Francis Howells. Thank you so much for posting these picures
